Concept-1 : CHAOS

Hi guys!!. Guess who's back again.

I nowadays wonder what the heck is happening to this world!!.
Australian bush fire, anti CAA movements, America-Iran tensions ...wait wait.... (for your information) i think our beloved Vladimir Putin and his puppet Trump are playing a nice game.😉
In case you are curious enough to read the leaked email archives of US election
DNC email archives

Ya so what were we talking about .....yes.. so, so much is going on. People are posting stories, memes, articles. Like most of the people, i don't know what is the truth behind these events or what is the motive of the national or international politicians. But i know one thing that one day we will get finished by our own deeds and we will not have to wait for any asteroid apocalypse which could have been more satisfying. 😝

But you know, as most of the genius people say "universe tends toward chaos."
Modiji or anybody else don't have any involvement in stop blaming anybody. okay? :D
Well, nobody is interested in peace. Everybody is just busy in getting ready for war under the supervision of some psychopaths. On one hand big superpowers like USA, Russia threatens others not to make any nuclear weapons and on the other hand they are busy in casting their deadly annihilators. Suspects are found immediately when the powerful ones are under attack. But nobody gives a damn about the weaker ones. Then comes the people with black flags and AK-47 ripping innocents for jihad. They don't even know the meaning of jihad....just following orders of some bearded dumb-ass.

So fraands, what I am tryna say is that don't get involved in fake video sharing, or getting blown away by meme or something. Use your goddamn brain and conscience and try to find a piece of truth in the ocean of lies before doing anything outrageous. We all know its easier to spread the fire of lies than the glitter of truth. But don't be a bait to any scandals or riots because some fuckin evil-minded wants the same.

That's all for today guyss.
Thank you for your precious time.
And give a kiss to your cheek which i know u can't.  Huhh lol.


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