Concept-1 : CHAOS
Hi guys!!. Guess who's back again. I nowadays wonder what the heck is happening to this world!!. Australian bush fire, anti CAA movements, America-Iran tensions ...wait wait.... (for your information) i think our beloved Vladimir Putin and his puppet Trump are playing a nice game.😉 In case you are curious enough to read the leaked email archives of US election Voila!!! DNC email archives Ya so what were we talking about .....yes.. so, so much is going on. People are posting stories, memes, articles. Like most of the people, i don't know what is the truth behind these events or what is the motive of the national or international politicians. But i know one thing that one day we will get finished by our own deeds and we will not have to wait for any asteroid apocalypse which could have been more satisfying. 😝 But you kno